Did you know that there’s an actual science behind effective copy?

That’s right, it’s a social science called Communication, and I dedicated my undergraduate degree at Cornell to learning all about it.

My classes involved topics like, “how to run for president and win,” and “how to get someone to go green.” All this to say, there are research-backed ways to reach your audience. I know them. I study them. Heck, I took advanced stats to learn about them.

But, copy that converts involves more than science. It takes strategy: information about the target audience, an understanding of the competition, and the ability to seamlessly integrate existing brand voice.

It’s also unmistakably an art.

When you work with me, your results will be an artful reflection of my professional skillset, creative energy, and absolute love for branding. Like a partner, I’m invested in your success. We’re in this together.

When I’m not writing copy? I’m probably working on house renovations, reading a good fiction novel, or exploring Vermont with my family and mini-doodle, Melon.
